I am so NOT good at new year resolutions.
In fact, I hardly ever even bother because they get lost in the shuffle of life.
This year I want to be different. I just read a friend's blog and she talked about her resolution to read the Bible through in a year...BUT....it is the I WILL statement that is not always easy to follow thru on....here is the link:
If I had to choose my top 3 resolutions, I think I would choose:
1. To get and KEEP my house in order. The word SIMPLE is hung across the wall you see as you enter my house. The letters are RED so an easy reminder (theoretically) of how I want my life to be. I WILL keep making progress to de-clutter, throw away the junk mail daily, put away clothes when I take them off (instead of over run the chairs in my room), and pick up the living room before I go to bed each night. That sounds easy, but why is it so hard?
2. To daily be in the Word. It is my lifeline. It is my grace for the day. I NEED that connection and that reminder of who and WHOSE I am. I really do love to study God's Word. I am such a nerd to see how He has so intricately knit together His written words. There are treasures there to find EVERY day. I, like my friend, would love to read the Bible through in a year. BUT I also like to dig deep and find hidden treasures and connections.

3. To focus my time (limited that it is between kid drop off and pick up to/from school) to grow and maintain a healthy level in my business. I have sold real estate for the most part of 18 years in January. I love it. I love each step and watching it all come together. There is NOTHING like having a buyer find the right house and helping a seller find the right buyer for their home. It is what I love to do...and, hopefully after years of experience, am good at. I really like to have my phone ringing (even though I may complain) off the hook, having to coordinate showings, inspections, paperwork, closing, and every part of making a deal! I feed on the adrenaline. I love the excitement of never knowing which buyer will be THE ONE. I LOVE knowing I have an offer in my inbox and the excitement of negotiating.
My three resolutions....ok friends, help me keep them! :)