Friday, January 4, 2013


Blogging is a chore.  But it also a way to share your life experiences with others.
This blog is just that....but why Tales from a Giraffe?
My life changed forever on March 22, 2004.  I started the morning with the "regular" 9 month pregnant mom stuff...I am taking my oldest son to kindergarten, getting my other son ready to go and myself to the doctor for my weekly visit.  I was just SURE he was going to tell me to go straight to the hospital and have my 3rd son that day!!  Instead, he could find no heartbeat and I delivered my son Joshua Taggart "Baby Tag" Seigler silently via emergency c-section.  I was put to sleep and he was taken out.  I woke up to an empty womb and empty arms.  Our lives were never the same.  While in the hospital, I felt surrounded by the presence of God and covered by the literally hundreds of people praying for us.  I also knew I would have another child, a girl with dark curly hair.
The months and years that have followed haven't always been easy, but God is so with us.
Before he died, my mom and others had bought outfits with giraffes on them.  He was bathed and dressed in one of those outfits the first time I held his still body.  He was buried in another giraffe outfit, along with a giraffe blanket and rattle.  He was a giraffe boy and I didn't know why.
About 2 years later I was driving to work and asked God to show me what in the world we were supposed to learn from Tag's giraffes.  He answered, a most beautiful answer.  He is like a giraffe, in that He is so far above that He sees everything.  We have to trust Him to know that HE IS GOD and does know what He is doing with our lives.  The things in our lives don't always make sense, but He does.  Faith is simply trusting that God is God and we are not.  He knows best because He knows all.  That was my answer.  WOW!
Hence, this blog.  I want to one day share my whole story and the many lessons learned from his silent life.  But I will just share what is laid on my heart to share.
My faith is deep, but I do have doubts.  Doubts are things that cause us to look at the water instead of at Jesus...and make us drown!!  We, as Believers, HAVE to keep our eyes on Jesus...He alone is the author and perfector of our faith and HE has begun a good work in us, that HE will complete!!  We have to believe that or else die...spiritually.  He is good and does work all things for our good and HIS GLORY!!  AMEN!


  1. I never knew that about Tag's giraffes. I now have a new way of looking at a giraffe.

    1. That is awesome...and the whole reason for this! :)

  2. What a beautiful testimony you have Mandy! I love all of your posts here. Very well thought out and present thoughts that touch the reader deeply. Thank you so much for sharing your loss. And what you have gained from it. Isn't it amazing how God, when removing something so precious from our lives, gives us such beauty? Whenever something [or someone] is taken, our Father gives us so much more!
    Love ya Cuz!
